2 seasons2019Ended
Drama, Romance
Dami, a third-year high school student who lives alone with her mother, sets out to go to college in Seoul. Kang Da Mi and Lee Ha Rim manage to get into a university in Seoul and become roommates. The two were confident that they were best friends, but they began to feel some boredom for the first time in their friendship. Their relationship shows what true friendship is, as they go through a stage of boredom while thinking they are each other's best friends.
Dami, a third-year high school student who lives alone with her mother, sets out to go to college in Seoul. Kang Da Mi and Lee Ha Rim manage to get into a university in Seoul and become roommates. The two were confident that they were best friends, but they began to feel some boredom for the first time in their friendship. Their relationship shows what true friendship is, as they go through a stage of boredom while thinking they are each other's best friends.
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