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Drama, Romance
Vaishnavi and Anand, hailing from a slum, are high school lovebirds. Anand fails to make it to the college and becomes an auto driver, whereas Vaishnavi joins the college. Vaishnavi undergoes a massive transformation, and this is also the time she gets close to Viraj. Slowly problems start developing between Vaishnavi and Anand. An unexpected incident takes place, which changes the lives of Viraj, Anand, and Vaishnavi as a whole. What happened next?
Vaishnavi and Anand, hailing from a slum, are high school lovebirds. Anand fails to make it to the college and becomes an auto driver, whereas Vaishnavi joins the college. Vaishnavi undergoes a massive transformation, and this is also the time she gets close to Viraj. Slowly problems start developing between Vaishnavi and Anand. An unexpected incident takes place, which changes the lives of Viraj, Anand, and Vaishnavi as a whole. What happened next?
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