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The story unfolds in a dry barren village. Anbukkarasu (Kishore), the protagonist who wants to excel in his life as a Collector and is an encouraging child, comes across Jeevanandam (Sree Raam), the son of the school teacher Chokkalingam(JayaPrakash), on the first day of school. Jeeva develops instant dislike for Anbu. The good-hearted Anbu tries to befriend Jeeva. However, Jeeva continues to hate Anbu with a passion. Enter Manonmani (Dharini), Jeeva's cousin, who develops affinity towards Anbu. This only makes Jeeva detest Anbu further. Not only Anbu excels in academics but also in extracurricular activities, contributes to widening the rift between the two.Anbu's parents have different opinions at Life which develops fight between them and also turns out to be a positive for Jeeva to hurt Anbu further.
The story unfolds in a dry barren village. Anbukkarasu (Kishore), the protagonist who wants to excel in his life as a Collector and is an encouraging child, comes across Jeevanandam (Sree Raam), the son of the school teacher Chokkalingam(JayaPrakash), on the first day of school. Jeeva develops instant dislike for Anbu. The good-hearted Anbu tries to befriend Jeeva. However, Jeeva continues to hate Anbu with a passion. Enter Manonmani (Dharini), Jeeva's cousin, who develops affinity towards Anbu. This only makes Jeeva detest Anbu further. Not only Anbu excels in academics but also in extracurricular activities, contributes to widening the rift between the two.Anbu's parents have different opinions at Life which develops fight between them and also turns out to be a positive for Jeeva to hurt Anbu further.
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